Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2023


Feel Trancoso Ltda. (“Feeltrancoso”), is a luxury tourism services agency. We represent excellence for our clients, with a portfolio of exclusive service providers (“Preferred Providers”) and other products (“Providers”).

Feeltrancoso respects any kind of privacy concerns. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information we collect about individuals (including clients, partner agency travel advisors, preferred vendor representatives, vendor representatives and consultants, and job applicants), how we might use the information, with whom we might share it, and the choices available to individuals regarding our use of such information. The Privacy Policy also describes the measures we take to safeguard personal information, for how long we retain the information, and how individuals can contact us about our privacy practices and exercise their rights.

Type of Data that we Collect

We only obtain personal information in relation to the services we provide. The types of personal information we collect include:

  • Contact information such as name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number;
  • online passwords and other login details;
  • payment information such as name, billing address, and payment card details (including card number, expiration date and security code);
  • information on reservations;
  • demographic information we acquire from third parties;
  • information submitted when applying for a job opening at Feeltrancoso. This includes the information on resumes and details about employment and education; and
  • Other personal information in the content provided to us on our websites, such as photos and videos, dates of birth, passport information, and personal information provided in response to surveys and contests, in comments to our blog posts, and in comments.

You are not required to provide this information, but if you choose not to, we may not be able to offer you some of our services and features from our website.

From our travel advisors we collect information such as name, contact information, photos, partner agency affiliations, travel specialties, data from cities and countries, languages spoken, attendance at events organized by Feeltrancoso, reviews and recommendations.

From our favorite vendor representatives we collect information such as name, contact information, event attendance, and online chat details if you choose to contact us in this way.

From our supplier representatives, we collect information such as name, contact information, job title and employer details.


How we Use the Consumer Data we Collect

We may use the consumer information we obtain to:

  • Create and manage your profile and account.
  • Suggest potential travel advisors to our clients.
  • Offer and provide you with products and services, such as hotel reservations and marketing materials.
  • Direct communication to administer your participation in surveys, events, programs, contests, promotions, and other offers.
  • Communicate with you on behalf of our Partner Agencies and suppliers.
  • Display content on our websites, such as the accounts and profiles of our travel advisors.
  • Respond and communicate with you about your inquiries and requests and provide you with the information requested.
  • Process complaints we receive in relation to our products and services.
  • Manage our career opportunities for the purposes of recruitment, candidate selection and evaluation, and employee onboarding; and
  • Establish and manage our relationships with our suppliers and consultants.
  • Operate, evaluate, and improve our business (including developing new products and services, improving our services, managing our communications, analyzing our products, performing accounting, auditing, billing reconciliation and collection, and other internal functions).
  • Perform data analysis (including market and consumer research, trend analysis, financial analysis and anonymization of personal information).
  • Protect, identify and prevent fraud and other criminal activity and other liabilities.
  • Comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards and internal policies.

As required by the applicable law, we use the personal information we obtain to comply with legal requirements, carry out our contractual obligations and, as permitted by law, pursue our legitimate interests as described above (administering our website, performing data analysis, and operating, evaluating, and improving our business). Otherwise, we obtain consent to process personal information. We may combine the information we obtain (for example, through our website or from third parties, such as our Partner Agencies, analytics providers, or Preferred Providers) for the purposes described above. We may also use the information we obtain in other ways for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection or with your direct consent.

We also use third-party web analytics services on websites, such as Google Analytics and Hotjar. The service providers that administer these services use technologies including cookies, web server logs, and web beacons to help us analyze how visitors use the websites. Information collected through these means (including IP address) is disclosed to these service providers who only use the information to evaluate the use of the websites. To learn more about Google Analytics and Hotjar and how to opt-out visit


Online Tracking

On our websites, we collect information about your online activities to provide you with advertising about products and services tailored to your individual interests. This section of our Privacy Policy provides details and explains how to exercise your choices.

You may see certain advertisements on other online platforms based on your visits to our websites as we participate in ad networks operated by third-party vendors. Ad networks allow us to target our messages to users based on demographics, inferred user interests, and browsing context. These networks track your online activities over time by gathering information through automated means. Networks use this information to show you ads that are tailored to your individual interests, to track your browser across multiple websites, and to build a profile of your web browsing. The information our ad network providers collect includes information about your visits to websites that participate in the vendors’ ad networks, such as the pages or ads you view and the actions you take on the websites. This data collection takes place both on our websites and on third-party websites that participate in these advertising networks. This process also helps us track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. Our websites are not designed to respond to “do not track” signals received from browsers.​


Type of Data that We Share

We do not sell or share personal information about you, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We share the personal information we obtain with third parties who perform services on our behalf including ad network providers, data analytics providers, survey platforms, and print and email marketing providers. These third parties are not authorized by us to use or disclose the information, except if necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements. In addition, we share consumer personal information with Partner Agencies and their travel advisors (if you select or already have a relationship with an advisor) to provide the services you request, and with Providers to assist in special offers for Partner Agency clients.

We may share the accounts and profiles of travel advisors on our websites so that consumers can identify the advisors whose services they would like to hire.

We may also disclose information about you (i) if we are required to do so by law, regulation, or legal process (such as a court order or subpoena), (ii) in response to requests from government agencies such as law enforcement authorities , (iii) for the purpose of or in connection with legal proceedings, or otherwise for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending our legal rights, or (iv) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity. We reserve the right to transfer any information we hold about you in the event that we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (including in the event of a reorganization, dissolution or liquidation).

Data Transfer

We may transfer the personal information we collect about you to recipients (including third-party service providers) in countries other than the country in which the information was originally collected. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which the information is initially provided. When we transfer your information to recipients in other countries (for example the U.S.), we will protect that information as described in this Privacy Policy, and comply with applicable legal requirements that provide adequate protection for the transfer of personal information to recipients in countries other than the one in which you provided the information.


Your Rights and Options

We offer certain choices regarding the personal information we collect from you, such as how we use the information and how we communicate with you. To update your preferences, ask us to remove your information from our mailing lists or submit a request, for this action please contact us as specified in the How to Contact Us section of this Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe from receiving future promotional and marketing emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in our emails. We may still contact you to respond to an inquiry and for certain account-related or transactional purposes.

To the extent provided by applicable law you may (1) request access to the personal information we hold about you; (2) request that we update, correct, modify, delete, or restrict information; or (3) exercise your right to data portability by contacting us as specified in the How to Contact Us section of this Privacy Policy. Depending on your location you may have the right to file a complaint with a government regulator if you are not satisfied with our response. Where required by law, you may withdraw any consent you have previously provided to us or object at any time to the processing of your personal information for legitimate reasons relating to your situation and we will apply your preferences for the future. To help protect your privacy and maintain security, we may take steps to verify your identity before granting access to your information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, a fee may apply before we provide you with a copy of the personal information that we hold.


Other Online Services and Third-Party Features

For your convenience and information, our websites may contain links to other online services and may include third-party features such as applications, tools, widgets, and plug-ins. These online services and third-party features may operate independently of Feeltrancoso. The privacy practices of these third parties, including details about the information they may collect from you are subject to their own privacy policies or notices, which we suggest you review. We are not responsible for the content of any online service that is not affiliated with Feeltrancoso, the use of those services, or the privacy practices related to those services.

How we Protect Personal Data

We maintain administrative, technical and physical security measures designed to protect personal information against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.

Retention of Personal Data

To the extent permitted by applicable law we will retain the personal information we obtain about you as long as (1) it is necessary for the purposes for which we collected it in the first place, in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy, or (2) we have another legal basis for retaining the data beyond the period for which it is necessary to fulfill the original purpose of collection.

Updates to our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our personal information practices. We will post a notice on our websites and/or send you an email notifying you of any significant changes to our Privacy Policy and indicate at the top of the notice when it was last updated.

How to Contact Us?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you would like us to update the information we hold about you, change your preferences, or exercise other applicable data protection rights please contact us by email at or write to us at:

Feel Trancoso, Ltda.
Rua Tancredo Neves 357. Barrio Centro.
Trancoso, Bahía. Brasil